Wednesday, May 19, 2021

CALL Week 14

 Hello Class, 

Today we are going to write about our favorite game and a game for practicing English. These are the things you are going to do:

1. Play your favorite game.
2. Take a screen cap of the game.
3. Describe step-by-step how to play the game.
4. What keys do you use on the keyboard?
5. What are the good and bad things about the game?
6. Do you recommend the game? Why or why not?

1. Play an English learning game from here.
2. Take a screen cap of the game.
3. Describe step-by-step how to play the game.
4. What keys do you use on the keyboard.
5. What are the good and bad things about the game?
6. Do you recommend the game? Why or why not?

Do all of this on a word document and send it to my e-mail. I will check for your completed assignment like I normally do when we have class. 

For 802: this lesson is to be done before or by 5/26 Wednesday, 9:00pm. 

For 804: this lesson is to be done before or by 5/30 Sunday, 9:00pm.

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CALL Week 16

Good afternoon class, Today we are going to be doing a webquest using a Google Form. I have given everyone an assignment in our classroom th...